Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Changing to mattdabbs.wordpress.com

Well, I am finally making the change to Wordpress. I have finally given in to all the hype and after playing around with the tools there I have decided that it is a better fit for me. There are so many more options and ways to organize things that it makes this blog seem extremely inefficient. So please venture over there and have a look and keep up all of the help you have been to me over the past year! I want to thank you for all your visits and for your comments. Everything has moved so quickly and it really makes me feel blessed because I feel like I have certainly grown in some areas spiritually through blogging this past year. This blog will stay right here for a long time so feel free to still use it as a resource but most of the tools have been duplicated at the new blog. God bless and hope to see you over at Word Press.

If you have linked to this blog could you please update your link to mattdabbs.wordpress.com

Thank you so much for everything.


Mark said...

I have tinkered with wordpress, but never got the hang of it. I hope you have more luck than I did.

Mark <><

Adam Gonnerman said...

I keep a mission blog over on Wordpress, and hate it. Eventually I hope introduce friends of the Brazilian work to the Igneous Quill blog.

Mike Minzes said...

Great blog Matt!! I will be back for more -0-0-

CS said...

Matt - glad to read you're now running Wordpress. I have used, since 2001, blogger, Movable Type, and Wordpress. MT worked well for a long while, until it became popular and then a target of spammers. Converting to Wordpress was super easy and the anti-spam features are very robust. Also, perhaps most importantly, because it's Open Source, it is well-embraced and won't be sold to anyone.

Matt said...

I am really glad to be at Wordpress. It is so much more flexible than blogger. Thank you for stopping by as well. Always appreciate it.

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