Friday, April 06, 2007

Living Between Good Friday and Easter Sunday

We recognize "Good Friday" and Easter but what about the day in between? Do you ever wonder what life was like for the disciples the day after the crucifixion? During Jesus' earthly ministry they never quite understood his prophesies concerning his death and resurrection. Even when he rose from the dead they were a little slow to understand. I wonder if they were hopeless that day. It would seem their hope in Jesus had been dashed to pieces by his crucifixion by the Romans and now they are potential targets as well.

Do you think many people today live in the day between Good Friday and Easter? I mean, do you think that many people live in light of shame and agony of death without any hope or recognition of the Good News brought that Easter morning? It is a lot like the Japenese soldier they found on an island in the pacific decades after the end of WWII who thought they were still at war. He had never heard how the story ended. The hope that we have springs from the resurrection of Christ. Without that our lives are meaningless. Unfortunately, many live in the day between with no hope beyond the grave and no understanding of the rest of the story for their lives.

Let us be people who share with others the rest of the story about the hope that is found in Jesus Christ and how God calls them to their own empty tomb as death will no longer have a hold on them. Let us get people past Friday and Saturday and show them the glory of Sunday and abundant life. We often take hope for granted but many people live every day with no hope. They are living on the day between Good Friday and Easter, never having heard that there is more to the story of life than death and degradation. There is a story that will change their lives forever. Let's share our hope with others by telling the Easter story over and over again. Have a great Easter!


Neva said...

Amen--if we dont tell, how will they know?
Good post


Jay said...

Nice article. I've just linked it in a Christian Blogging roundup I'm posting this afternoon. Happy Easter.

Matt said...

Neva, thanks for the comments. I always appreciate what you have to say.

Thanks for stopping by and the link. I hope things go well for you in Illinois.

Steve Puckett said...

I believe! Thanks for your words of encouragement.


Tammie's Thoughts said...

I wish you would take time to look at my daughter and son-in-law's blog and respond to their last post and article they refer to...someone more intelligent than me needs to read it and reapond! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great thoughts.

In my post today I asked what we can do to make Sunday's resurrection applicable to the rest of our week. I mean, if Sunday's resurrection doesn't become Monday's message, Tuesday's treasure, Wednesday's walk, Thursday's talk, Friday's foundation and Saturday's service then it really means nothing to us. We are lost between his death and the great news of his resurrection, between despair and hope.

Thanks for the challenge.

Adam Gonnerman said...

Nice post. The problem with the disciples was that they were expecting a completely different story, the one in which the True King, the Anointed descendant of David ascends to an earthly throne and inaugurates Israel's rule over the world, casting off and destroying all Gentile oppressors. Death could only mean defeat, so it must have been pretty bad the day after the crucifixion. Jesus was just another failed "messiah," one of many that had come and would come. Only the resurrection would help shake them up enough to begin to think about another story, and then Pentecost re-oriented them entirely to see God's reign breaking in to the world in ways they didn't expect.

It must have been a sad Sabbath after the crucifixion, though.

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