Monday, February 05, 2007

LIFE Group Lessons Online

I have been hesitant to post this but I will go ahead and do it. I have been developing our LIFE group curriculum at church since the summer. You can download these lessons here. Feel free to use them however you want. We have also implemented another helpful idea for any of you who run a LIFE group/small group ministry. We have an online form for reporting attendance. One of the hardest things to deal with in LIFE group, next to childcare, is attendance reporting. This has really helped our ministry. I would love to hear any feedback from the lessons if you decide to use them. God bless,


James T Wood said...

I must say, I like the LIFE acronym . . .

Matt said...

Hi James, always glad to have you stop by and offer some feedback. We did a total revamp of our groups. In doing that I consider a whole range of LIFE acronyms. Sycamore view's acronym is by far the best one that I have come across. Credit has been given to the leaders and to the congregation to sycamore view. I should probably footnote that on the website. Take care

Anonymous said...

I respect anyone willing to put their material out there.


James T Wood said...

Matt, I have your blog on my roll - I just don't find time to comment too often (I post on my blog even less often).

I'm from the youth-ministry school: if an idea is good, take it. SV didn't invent anything with the LIFE stuff, we just put it into a pretty acronym. I think it's a compliment that you think it's good enough to use again.

I don't know if you have kept up with what's going on at SV, but we are in the midst of revamping the whole LIFE group ministry. They're letting me work to get them through the re-organization process (and it's lots of work). I'm having a blast getting down to the work of ministry. We're re-emphasizing LIFE in the preaching (John Mark Hicks is doing a great job) and in the group stuff.

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Thanks for the sharing Matt.

Bobby Valentine

Bobby Cohoon said...

The lessons look good. I have readjust a few but they are good. Thanks!


Matt said...

Thank you all for stopping by. Always good to be sharpened by others. Take care

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